Youth Ministry


Life isn’t always easy. Often we are just looking for a place to belong, to be understood, and to be loved. This is the Catholic Church and this is what we hope our programs are for the youth of St. Thomas More Parish!

STM Youth Group

FREE food, fun, and much more! Everyone in grades 9-12 is welcome to St. Thomas More Youth Group. It’s a great place to hang out, play games, and grow in our faith – seriously we talk all about life’s complicated questions.
For information contact: Shavi Perera

Youth Rally & Retreats

Based on personal experience, we know that Rallys and Retreats are exciting ways to grow deeper into your faith – and have lots of fun! That’s why we want young people from this parish to experience God in this way!



Children’s Choir

Everyone from Grade 4-9 is welcome to join the Children’s Choir. We rehearse Thursday evenings from Sept-May. We sing once per month usually at 10 am Mass at St. Thomas More. 
For more information contact Johanna Dietrich, Music Coordinator

Volunteers Needed

This new ministry is being established with the view of offering the opportunity for all youth to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. STMYM would like to invite all youth in our parish to accept the invitation to live life abundantly (John 10:10).
We need volunteers who are willing to journey alongside these youth through the hardships of adolescents. This ministry is seeking volunteers who are willing to converse with and pray with youth and work for the youth. Without dedicated volunteers who are willing to intentionally accompany them, we will continue to keep these youth passive, distant and dormant in their relationship with Jesus. Our youth need you!
Commitment: Commitment levels will vary. As this is a new ministry, we look forward to welcoming volunteers eager to share in our vision and help us to build something exciting! Volunteers must be over the age of 18!

Contact: Shavi Perera at 647-533-4857 or