Spiritual Resources
If you haven’t already set up an account, please do so at stmparish.formed.org and use the parish code TBQYW9. Use your free account to login and access a variety of resources.
Spiritual Resources for Children, Youth and Families
- www.catholicicing.com – Resources for Children’s Liturgy, crafts, games, ideas for Mass at home!
- www.thekidsbulletin.com – Printables, activities, comins, stories about saints
- www.catholickidsbulletin.com – Children’s Liturgy ‘bulletins’ – free for every Sunday!
- www.looktohimandberadiant.com – Liturgical resources for youth, families and adults
- grandinmedia.ca – Catholic news from the Archdiocese of Edmonton (also on Youtube)
- Catholic Sprouts – A daily 5-minute podcast for children about different aspects of the Catholic faith – VERY GOOD!
- Abiding Together – For teen girls and young adult women – a great conversation about living our Catholic life well!
- Fr. Mike Schmitz – A great show about all things Catholic (geared towards young adults and up) – also on Youtube
- The Catholic Man Show – Mark Hart
- A Beggar’s Heart – Fr. Kris Schmidt Archdiocese of Edmonton (homilies from the previous Sunday Masses)
- Laudate – many different prayers (including Mass readings, and the rosary)
- iBreviairy – the liturgy of the hours (prayers said by all priests and religious throughout the world)
- Pray as You Go – 12 minute daily reflections (in a podcast type form) that include songs, readings from the Bible and Lectio Divina reflection.