Novena to Divine Mercy
The Novena to Divine Mercy begins on Good Friday and prepares us for the Feast of Divine Mercy, which is the first Sunday after Easter. We will be praying the Novena publicly 20 minutes before services and Masses during this time. There are a few exceptions so please check the schedule below.
- The Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday April 16: A Quick Guide (PDF)
- Novena Prayers to Divine Mercy & Chaplet (PDF)
- Symbolism in the Image of Divine Mercy (PDF)
- Novena to Divine Mercy: Complete Texts (PDF)
On Divine Mercy Sunday, there will be a Holy Hour immediately following the 5 pm mass.
Links to Papal letters about mercy:
- Pope Saint John Paul II’s 1980 Encyclical Letter Dives In Misericordia (Rich in Mercy)
- Pope Francis’ 2016 Apostolic Letter Misericordia Et Misera (Mercy With Misery)