Spiritual Life & Worship

Wednesday Morning Scripture Study

Our goal is to help ladies of our parish gain exposure to Scripture using programs offered on Formed, by the Augustine Institute and Ascension Press. The weekly sessions include DVD presentations, with each participant using a study guide to follow the discussion questions. Members purchase their study guides. This past year we studied the Book of Revelation by Ascension Press.
Meetings: Wednesday mornings following morning mass until 11:45 am.

Scripture Study (Evening)

Topical studies meant to promote a better understanding of the Bible and how to use the Bible to pray. This group is a great way to get together with other parishioners to share faith using the sacred text as a basis for the discussion. Groups are generally 10 to 15 people. A workbook is to be purchased by participants. Cost varies depending on the study being done but averages approximately $12.00.
Meetings: Meetings are at the church on Monday evenings from 7:00-9:00pm. There are generally three sessions per year: one in the fall, one in early spring before Easter and one after Easter.

Growth in the Spirit

The role and mission of Growth in the Spirit is to promote growth in the spiritual life of our members and encourage them to use their charisms in various ministries at St. Thomas More. The prayer group provides an atmosphere in which members can grow in their personal relationship with God through praise and worship, teachings, scripture reflections, communal and one-on-one prayer, and sharing of personal testimonies. Through our prayer meetings and a variety of renewal activities, members are able to identify and foster their charisms and use them for service. Members of the Growth in the Spirit Prayer Group are actively involved in the life of St. Thomas More Parish, serving in various ministries.
Meetings: Two-hour meetings on the evening of the second and fourth Wednesday of the month.

Prayer Shawls

Ministry members pray together and knit or crochet Prayer Shawls. Completed shawls are blessed by a priest or deacon. Parishioners may request a shawl for a friend or family member who is celebrating a special occasion, suffering from illness or hardship or to be given out of love.
No prior experience is required! All are welcome and experienced ministry members will help beginners. There is no registration or fee. Patterns and yarn are supplied.
Meetings: The Prayer Shawl ministry meets Fridays 9:30 to 11:30 am, September to June in the St. Joseph Room. Members come when they are able. Some members knit or crochet at home if they are unable to meet at the church.

The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community

The Lord’s Flock Catholic Charismatic Community is a covenant community. Our Mission is to help people encounter Jesus through the Holy Spirit, using scripture, praise, worship, and fellowship. The role of ministry members is to uphold the ministry’s mission by participating in our sessions:

– Praise and Worship with our Local and International Chapter

– Intercessory Prayer

– Hosting Prayer Breakfast with the Renewal Services

– Helping the church as service volunteers

– Retreat, Healing and Church activities

The International Chapter has the following sessions via Zoom online, or Messenger: a) Grow Every Wednesday, b) Praise and Worship Saturday, c) Global Activities: Gathering, Anointing, Anniversary Celebration, and Christmas Rally.

Meetings: Local: The Local Chapter meets every Sunday from 9:30 to 11:30 am at St. Thomas More in the St. Joseph Room. International: The International Chapter meets via Zoom every Saturday at 8:00 pm Alberta time.

Legion of Mary

The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed through prayer and active co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work. Members participate in the life of the parish by visiting and bringing Holy Communion to Catholic residents in long-term care homes, the housebound and the sick.  The members also assist with lay led liturgies in the long-term care homes. At the request of parish families, members also bring the Pilgrim Virgin Statute into parishioners’ homes and it remains with the family for a week and is then sent on to another family. The work is done in pairs and in union with Our Blessed Mother Mary under the spiritual guidance of our parish priest. The Legion of Mary is about outreach.  It seeks to obey Jesus when He says, “Go out to all people”.
Meetings: Weekly meeting every Thursday at 6:00 pm. Meetings last 1 to 1.5 hours. Members also commit to one to two hours of active apostolic work each week.

More’s Men

The parish men’s group aims to unite men in prayer, formation and discussion in order to courageously rise to God’s universal call to holiness and become better husbands, fathers, leaders, and friends.
Meetings: Weekly on Thursday mornings from 6:00 am to 7:00 am.

Throne of Mercy

We focus on the edification of the family as a local church through the teachings and sacraments of the church as guided by the Holy Spirit. At Throne of Mercy, we endeavour to instill the benefits of a holy relationship in our children with God through the teachings, reflections, reading and sharing the word of God and prayers (Rosary), and building leadership skills in the lives of our members. We encourage parents to develop deeper relationships with God through prayers, praises and worship, life in the Spirit Seminars, and reflections on the word of God. This helps to awaken the latent charismatic gifts given to serve God through humanity. Throne of Mercy members actively contribute and participate in the life of our parish.
Meetings: Friday evenings at 7:30 pm in the Our Lady of the Rosary Room.