Wedding Music Selections

Please refer to the parish STM Guidelines for Weddings booklet for detailed information about planning your wedding liturgy at St. Thomas More Catholic Church. To help you select your wedding music, listen to samples of the music by clicking on the links below. Song lyrics are available for your review. You will be asked to provide your first and second preferences in each of the sections.
Please submit a completed Wedding Music Selection Form (PDF) to the parish office or via e-mail to at least six weeks before your wedding date. For weddings between June and September, your selections must be received by June 1.
If your music selections ARE NOT received by the deadline above, your wedding music program will be as follows: Processional: Canon in D; Opening Hymn: When Love is Found; Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 128; Signing of the Register: Covenant Hymn; Recessional: Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring
Listen to samples of the music by clicking the song/hymn names below.
If you have any questions, please contact Johanna Dietrich, Music Ministry Coordinator – 780-919-3747 or


Prior to the beginning of the wedding liturgy, there is a prelude consisting of about 10-15 minutes of music as guests arrive and are seated. Music during this time is selected at the discretion of the musicians and encompasses a combination of pieces that mirror the festive nature of the occasion as well as the quiet dignity of prayerful reflection.
Mandatory selections are marked with an asterisk (*). Others are required if you are having Mass.

Processional* (usually instrumental)



Opening Hymn (must be congregational; i.e. found in the hymnals)


Responsorial Psalm*

Relates directly to the readings you have chosen.

Offertory/Preparation of the Gifts (must be congregational; i.e. found in the hymnals)

Select only if Mass is being celebrated.

Communion (must be congregational; i.e. found in the hymnals)

Select only if Mass is being celebrated.

Signing of the Register* (can be solo)

Or you may select from the Offertory section above.

Recessional* (instrumental)

If you chose one of these pieces for your Processional (beginning of liturgy), you must select a different piece for the Recessional (end of liturgy).